Wednesday, June 13, 2007
its bleepin hot
I live on the second floor of a 150 year old building which is now a duplex. It is f'in hot and has been for the last 3 nights. I have no AC and the 3 fans that are blown on me are not doin any good.
I have just come back from a few beers with D-train and would not normally be like I am except that with no food consumed today and a few laps around wirth I am now a bit tipsy.
No worries folks cause I be working from home tomorrow. Lots of big time spread sheets and power points to work on...god I hate what I do for a living.
So as I sit here with not only my balls sweating but the sweat of my balls sweating I am looking forward to a little time away. 100 miles of single track...Damn man I need that.
To all of those who I have offended I am sorry. To all of those who I have offended and are still pissed fuck of.
Balls full of sweat and in need of more whisky
I have had it
Enough is enough, I am sick of the fucking games so
- If you do not like my language then go some where else
- If you don't like what I am saying then tough shit deal with it
- Hey girls, those big ass sunglasses your wearing suck ass take them off you look ridiculous. There are about 9 chicks on this planet that look good in them and you are not one.
- People who can not take a joke go piss off
- Hey, Your not as good as you think you are so shut your ass
- Lighten the hell up...all of you
Had a kick ass race on Sunday at Afton. Did really well and had a blast. Thanks Hollywood for getin me the wheels. Note...Best bike shop on the planet
Thanks to all on the team for the hand ups and the cheering. It is fun to get that kind of support although there is a bit of bull shit that goes down on this team I could do with out. We ride bikes people, that is it. We pay a shit load of money to ride our bikes and have fun. We do not get paid and very few of us are good enough to talk shit so give credit to all that it is due and relax enjoy the ride cause life is short and the beer is getting warm.
100 miles of single track on deck this Saturday
I am looking so forward to this event. 5 hour drive, 6 hours boat crossing of lake MI then an hour to the hotel. Race 100 miles and then drink free beer. I do not know about you all but it beats the hell out of most things that I will do in the next year!!!
Ride on and for Christ sake relax and do not take yourselves so seriously.
Last weeks ride details
Monday: off
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 36 miles
Thursday: 4 laps at Buck then too much half price whiskey at Psycho Suzi's
Friday: Drinkin
Saturday: 2 laps around Murphy
Sunday: Afton 3 laps 2h 5m
D-train did some sort of adventure race on Saturday but that bastard is to lazy to post anything.
Oh...More beer of the when ever I get around to sending to you showed up last week. Good stuff
Friday, June 8, 2007
Thurs night @ Buck
Late but still
Sat. I found myself in ST. Croix Falls WI for the woolly race. This was a small grass roots event held on some fun single track. The open fields I could have done without, as they were really bumpy and a back breaker.
I had a horrible start and entered into the single track pretty far from the lead. I made up time, on the climbs no less, can you believe that? I appear to be much better at the steep climbs this year. I did struggle on the long grass open areas. There was one mud puddle towards the end that I could not seem to clear. This mad the bike a bit muddy and with the WORS race the next day I did not want to tear into my build the night before.
It was hot, my back did not feel good nor did my legs. They were giving me trouble for the first lap and a half. The second part of the race I felt good. Finished in an hour thirty. Not bad but not too good. I made some more adjustments to the bike. Raised the seat and rolled the bars forward. Seemed to do the trick.
MUD and more mud for the 40 miles WORS race on Sunday.
I was covered from head to toe in layers of mud.
The bike was trashed but still worked flawlessly during the race.
I did not do well in the race, but I had fun and enjoyed the race.
Last weeks training
Monday 63 miles Road
Tues: Off
Thurs: Race at buck, lots of hills 1h 20 min
Friday: off
Sat: Woolly race 1 hour 30 min
Sun: WORS 39 miles 3h 42 Min
Too much Wiskey last night after Buck, a race that I did poorly in
Party tonight and I serve beer on Sat night from 9 to ? at the Finnigans beer fest.
Sunday Afton race is on tap. Afton = DEATH so see you all in hell.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Quick and to the point
- Last weekend of riding did not go so well.
- Fri: Afton 2 1/2 laps
- Saturday: 2 laps Afton
- Sunday: 2 lap at Murphy
- Monday: 63 miles road
- My MT bike frame don't fit so good. Not sure what to do about it. This season, money has been pouring out of me on bike shit. Going to give it a go this weekend on what I got.
- Ordered a wheelset two weeks ago. Shop did not have them after 10 days so I went somewhere else. When I canceled the order I found out that they were already shipped. I feel bad about it, but if they would have ordered them when I asked this would not have happened
- Cost break down for the TRC (so far)
- Entry fee $1525 each
- Room before and after race and support meals: $1100
- Gas: $1000
- Flight for Mech: $500
- Grand total: $5634...Ouch
- Woolly race and the WORS marathon event this weekend. Sat is 17 miles in St. Croix Falls and Sunday is the 40 miler at Wausau.
Last weeks training
Monday and Tuesday OFF
Wednesday: 30 miles
Thursday: Race rained out
Fri: Afton 2 1/2 laps
Saturday: 2 laps Afton
Sunday: 2 lap at Murphy