- Awesome race, memories that I will have forever. Ton of fun
- D-train got injured (yeah other than his broke finger, GI issues, Raw Bum) and had to call it a day with 20K left on Day Five.
- Booms got lucky and finished the race
- 320 Miles and 39,000 feet of climbing.
- Ended up driving home alone as D and SS Chuck flew home
- Stage by stage up-date with pics and movies to come later.
D-Train is not taking me calls no more...either he is in Asia or he be pissed at me.
On a side note. Truck is broke and I have road to work on me bike all week.
Because of the bridge going down 2 of my paths to work are clogged with cars. Use to be a ride in with little contact with vehicles. Not the case now. Have almost been run down 3 times this week and at least 3 times a day someone does something that would have put me in the hospital if I had not been paying attention.
Did find out something about myself. No matter how nice or shitty the morning is, it take 3 dumb fuck drivers to get me yellin. I guess I chalk the first two jackasses up to statistics.
More later