Friday, August 31, 2007

TRC Quicky

Ok there is a lot to say so I am not going to say much

  • Awesome race, memories that I will have forever. Ton of fun

  • D-train got injured (yeah other than his broke finger, GI issues, Raw Bum) and had to call it a day with 20K left on Day Five.

  • Booms got lucky and finished the race

  • 320 Miles and 39,000 feet of climbing.

  • Ended up driving home alone as D and SS Chuck flew home

  • Stage by stage up-date with pics and movies to come later.

D-Train is not taking me calls no more...either he is in Asia or he be pissed at me.

On a side note. Truck is broke and I have road to work on me bike all week.
Because of the bridge going down 2 of my paths to work are clogged with cars. Use to be a ride in with little contact with vehicles. Not the case now. Have almost been run down 3 times this week and at least 3 times a day someone does something that would have put me in the hospital if I had not been paying attention.
Did find out something about myself. No matter how nice or shitty the morning is, it take 3 dumb fuck drivers to get me yellin. I guess I chalk the first two jackasses up to statistics.

More later

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Up-date Up-date (one year from olimpics ((contains bad words and naked chicks...yeah so were we))

Here in is the first chapter of the chronicles of D-train and Booms transrockies challange. This started about a year ago. For a couple of ADD peeps this is a tremendous feat. As I sit here drink a pint ( a true one to bouut) watching chicks that I will only look at fondly but will not talk to I am recording the first week of this adventure and it has had it fill of shit.

In Bismark while trying to get a room we went out to the car and found that it would not start. After getting a tow truck, which was a big chore, we got the truck running and found out that the battery was bad and would not hold a charge. So it was 11 pm and we have been driving for 9 hours. We decided to drive on to Billings MT to get to a dealership to get this truck a movin. I took the wheel and drive 250 miles. Making sure to re-fuel early and to leave the truck running. Cory took over and I slept. I awoke to the middle of no where MT at 5 in the morning. The trucks gas gauge was below the E. Trust me on this we have a picture.

With no place in site to re fuel we hoped for the best. With in 10 miles we found d a gas station. Problem was that it did not open for an hour. Turned the truck off and bingo not start. Stuck in bum fuck MT out of gas, waiting to re-fuel a truck that will not start. There were dogs circling the truck Cugo like. Got a nice vid of the whole thing.
Yeah this was a really small town...

After we got gas and a jump we were off to Billings. Slept at the dealer till it opened. Got the truck working and decided to drive to Mosula MT. At this point it was 8 am. When we got out stop it was 3 pm. 25 hours after we left Mpls. Took a nap then went to eat. While eating we found out that the testicle festival was going on down the road. OK so we are on a road trip and stumble across some like that...Gota go. We went and it was crazy. Naked mountain people painting each other, drunk bull riding, crazy ass bands, bikers, naked mountain people. Got plenty of pix and vid of this one as well.

Truck at the shop

Testy Fest

Naked Mountain people with paint

We all knew that Cory did this but here it is on film...Cory nawin on a testicle

The next day we headed to Canada. No problem at the border and made it to Panorama in short order. This is a very nice little mountain village. Cool stuff.

Hit the driving range on Monday. Cory has the most disgusting golf swing. But he can hit the ball far.
Went rafting yesterday and had fun but was a little disappointed.

Today we decided to do some down hilling as this place is home to a top notch down hill trails. Turned out not to be a smart move.

Yeah. Cory broke his little finger today. He says we will still race and let me tell you this...Fuck Mike Moore, cause the hospital would not even talk to him until they had a credit card number.


Another kick in the panits is that there is a big wild fire problem up her at the moment. Our race has already had a day that had a major change do to this. In 2003 the race was almost canceled cause of fires.

Link to the vids

SS Chuck flys in tomarrow night. Gota get him in Calgary.

It has taken me almost 2 hours to post this so I be done now. Hopfuly more later.
He now ends the reading. Please be seated

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Up-date soon...Lots to say

Truck broke down...Run out of gas...Testy fest with naked chicks...White water rafting...D-train in a thong...Been drinkin all day (F' you T.O.)...This is all true and we got pics to prove.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Leave in a few

Off to Canada in a few hours.
The man once again is keepin me down. More Big wigs are coming so I will have to cut me Vac. short by a day.

D-train is due in at noon. I got a bunch of shit to load up in that little 4 runner of his. Not sure if it is all going to fit.
  • 3 small plastic tubs
  • 1, 4 foot by 1 foot plastic tub
  • 1 big tub
  • 2 large bags
  • 2 med bags
  • 2 bikes
D-train has similar shit.

We shall see if this race is worth all the trouble. No worries though cause next year I be going here

The question is...Naughty or nice?


Thursday, August 2, 2007


I live a mile from this. My place is the exit before. A few hundred feet before the bridge. I had crossed it twice at lunchtime yesterday running to Hollywood’s, glad I did not wait and do it after work. Officially D-train and I are cut off from each other. It was a bitch to get to his place in the south before this now…

I have always been skeptical of the media when they cover things like this. They are profiteering idiots. There has been so much incorrect information being spewed to the world from these people it is a wonder that anyone will listen to them.

This is going to mess up the city for years. Traffic on both the roads and the barge traffic on the river. Should be an interesting time.

For all of you out there keep this in mind. Most of us who live in the city had given up driving over that bridge during the rush hour do to the traffic.

Anyway D-train is off to Denver and hopefully he will be back in Mpls Friday morning. Got a bit of backing to do yet but should be ready. Buck Hill race tonight, not sure if I am going, as there is no good way to get there.