Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Word of the Day

As D-Train is a Cory this is fitting

corybantic \kor-ee-BAN-tik\ adjective: like or in the spirit of a Corybant; especially : wild, frenzied

Example sentence:From the sound of the first guitar chord, the mosh pit looked like a swarm of bees in a corybantic dance.

oh...a corybant is one of the attendants or priests of Cybele noted for wildly emotional processions and rites

oh and...the Cybele is a nature goddess of the ancient peoples of Asia Minor

Just like the word of the day It is difficult to define D-Train as he has soooooo many layers but he is still a pagan and destine for hell. Sorry D you need to find Jesus, and not modern day one, you need the one that will send you to a eternity of torture if you sin one little sin.


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