Monday, July 23, 2007

Boners and Dicks

Doing an event like the TRC brings out a lot of emotions and has been interesting to see which camp my friends land in. It appears that either we are going to quit by day 3 or we are going to finish and have fun. Everyone has their reasons as to our ability to complete this. No worries though. None of the critiques have been done in malice and have instead shown the real concern that they may have. But just in case I have read into their comments wrongly, BLEEP OFF.

Here is an e-mail that AC had sent D-train and I.

If I were you two, I would have a boner right now. Even if you don't
win :-) you will get to see some awesome scenery. Don't over pack! You
will stink on your trip, accept that. Bears won't hurt you unless they
feel like they have no other choice but to fight or eat you. Out in the
open, bears run away. Eat tuna. If you have to siphon water out of a
stream to drink it, bring a small packet of powdered lemonade to kill
the irony, Guardia taste. "Ironman" by Judas Priest is a good song to
hum so you can keep proper cadence in the big ring.



Road 92 miles in windy conditions over consistent rolling hills on Sunday. Did it in 5 hours. Had been drinking the last 2 nights and had less than 4 hours of sleep. This should simulate the 8500 or so feet of climbing at altitude on Day 5.

Check the stage distances and elevation gain.

Day 1
31.7 miles
4411 feet gain
Day 2

39.6 miles
4719 feet gain
Day 3
66.7 miles
4270 feet gain
Day 4
58.8 miles
5011 feet gain
Day 5 - GULP!
67.6 miles
8528 feet gain
Day 6
47.7 miles
6560 feet gain
Day 7
37.8 miles
3608 feet gain

Kits are in and they look cool. Pictures to follow…Maybe.


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