Thursday, February 14, 2008


Word on the street is smokin, eatin over 3000 cal's, drinking 5 nights a week and layin on the couch is not good training. Well god damn it we shall soon see..
My dumb ass has signed up for a few 100 mile off road point-to-point races and a 2nd go at the transrockies. First off is something called the Cohutta 100. It is on April 19 which I would like to point out is a tad over 2 mos away. Now to put this into perspective...I have 4 one-hour spin classes under my belt so far this year and I don't see many more in the future.

To set the scene here...It will be 5 degree's out this weekend and next weekend, There will be a major snow storm in March that will fuck up outdoor ridin, I have a growing nicotine habit to deal with, Beer tastes good...OK never mind that one, I am 30 lb heaver than I was in Aug., I will most likely quit the bike team I am on, my nutrition plan is "Fuck it I am eatin it", and well so what.

It will be interesting to see what happens to me, a guy in his mid thirties (oh damn, mid thirties? fuck me) who has seriously let himself go, when I hit the ultra endurance race scene.

Starting on April 19th I will be racing every weekend and as much as 3 times a week until the 4th of July. That’s 13 weeks in a row.

So let this be a lesson to you fuck sticks out there who think your bad ass cause you trained SOOOO hard and finished in the top spots.
Going into a race trained and finishing well is for pussies.
The one doin it out of shape and spending 2 to 3 times longer on the course is the true bad ass.


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