Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Yeah fuck

OK so...
I bought some good winter bike shoes and gloves...Both at a discount
Rode for 2.5 hours Saturday the 23.
Then found some sweet studded tires on Wednesday the 27.
Rode to work on the 28, It was 12 degrees when I left home. The ride home was in a middle of a snow storm. Had to stop by REI on the way home and get some snow board goggles as the snow was blinding.
Rode to work on Friday the 29. Then I rode to a happy hour after. Got drunk slipped on the ice and may have blown me knee out. Could not walk on Saturday and Sunday was quite painful. Am able to walk now but the pain is still shooting up and down my leg.

So...What have I learned? Why the fuck do I live in a place that will only allow riding for 6 mo? I mean for christ sake if I hurt myself in March I may loose most of the season.

Yeah well I hate writing so I be done. Need to develop a audio blog
