Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Double

Lets get on with it!!!

D and I just finished a weekend of racin our single speeds.
Saturday was the Cable classic. This is a 23 mile point to point race that ends in Cable Wi. Fun course. Good distance of single track and a few fire roads.

D-train finished an hour sooner than last year and I shaved off some 53 min. Of course the race last year was a death march of eminence mud, cold (40 F) and rain.

Sunday was the season opener for the MN state Championship series. The local race series here. D-train did well in the SS div and I finished a respectable spot in the comp race. One thing of note, this course was pretty flat so the 32/18 gear ratio that I used was big tip to small. I spun like I have never before.

Of course we had a big ol party during and after the race, beer, brats, burgers and such
Below is AC and his spawn, you will hear more of him in the future

D-Train and his post race kung-fu man chue...

After the events Sunday we headed to our fav post race location...Moscow on the Hill in St. Paul for a trip around the world...Of course all we did was drink Vodka but they were all from different places. Note...One does not drink Vodka made in English speaking places if the menu looks like this

End of the week training
Mon - off
Tuesday - 4 laps around Salem hills (2 hours)
Wednesday - 30 miles road, 2 laps around T-Wirth
Thursday - Long Race at Buck (1 hour)
Friday - off
Saturday - Cable Classic (2:04)
Sunday - Spring Cup race (1:29)


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