Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I have had it

With Bull shit.
Enough is enough, I am sick of the fucking games so
  • If you do not like my language then go some where else
  • If you don't like what I am saying then tough shit deal with it
  • Hey girls, those big ass sunglasses your wearing suck ass take them off you look ridiculous. There are about 9 chicks on this planet that look good in them and you are not one.
  • People who can not take a joke go piss off
  • Hey, Your not as good as you think you are so shut your ass
  • Lighten the hell up...all of you
OK now I feel better.
Had a kick ass race on Sunday at Afton. Did really well and had a blast. Thanks Hollywood for getin me the wheels. Note...Best bike shop on the planet

Thanks to all on the team for the hand ups and the cheering. It is fun to get that kind of support although there is a bit of bull shit that goes down on this team I could do with out. We ride bikes people, that is it. We pay a shit load of money to ride our bikes and have fun. We do not get paid and very few of us are good enough to talk shit so give credit to all that it is due and relax enjoy the ride cause life is short and the beer is getting warm.

100 miles of single track on deck this Saturday
I am looking so forward to this event. 5 hour drive, 6 hours boat crossing of lake MI then an hour to the hotel. Race 100 miles and then drink free beer. I do not know about you all but it beats the hell out of most things that I will do in the next year!!!

Ride on and for Christ sake relax and do not take yourselves so seriously.

Last weeks ride details
Monday: off
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 36 miles
Thursday: 4 laps at Buck then too much half price whiskey at Psycho Suzi's
Friday: Drinkin
Saturday: 2 laps around Murphy
Sunday: Afton 3 laps 2h 5m

D-train did some sort of adventure race on Saturday but that bastard is to lazy to post anything.


Oh...More beer of the when ever I get around to sending to you showed up last week. Good stuff

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